- État Nouveau
- Pourcentage achevé
- Type Anomalie
- Catégorie Télévision
- Assignée à Personne
- Système d'exploitation Tous
- Sévérité Critique
- Priorité Très Basse
- Basée sur la version 1.0.3
- Due pour la version Non décidée
Non décidée
- Auteur anonyme (02/02/2020)
- Privée
FS#27151 - [Devialet (Delta)/One (V7)] Demande de mise à jour (faille critique): ffmpeg 4.0.1 -> 4.1.3
Ici, il s’agit de la catégorie Freebox Player Delta “Devialet” / One (V7)
Mais cela va pour l’ensemble des Freebox Player
Pourriez-vous mettre à jour ffmpeg 4.0.1 → 4.1.3 (2019-04-01)
→ https://ffmpeg.org/
Il y a des bugs résolus depuis la 4.0.1 (qui entre autre corrigeait des CVEs) :
→ https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-3611/product_id-6315/version_id-248747/Ffmpeg-Ffmpeg-4.0.1.html
Améliorations pour la “Haute Définition”...
Déjà signalé :
→ https://dev.freebox.fr/bugs/task/22518 (avec d’autres demandes de maj (server + player) + corrections de noms de softs/libs)
Activer les raccourcis clavier
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + l Se connecter/Se déconnecter
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + a Ouvrir une tâche
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + m Mes recherches
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + t Rechercher par ID de tâche
Liste des tâches
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- j Déplacer le curseur vers le bas
- k Déplacer le curseur vers le haut
Détails de la tâche
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- Alt + ⇧ Shift + e ↵ Enter Modifier cette tâche
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + w Surveiller
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + y Fermer cette tâche
Édition de la tâche
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + s Enregistrer la tâche
ffmpeg 4.2.1: 2019-09-07
ffmpeg 4.0.5: 2019-11-22
ffmpeg 3.4.7: 2019-12-02
ffmpeg 4.2.2: 2019-12-31
FFmpeg 4.2.3: 2020-05-21
- https://ffmpeg.org/
FFmpeg 4.3: 2020-06-15
- https://ffmpeg.org/
FFmpeg 4.3.1: 2020-07-11
- https://ffmpeg.org/
FFmpeg 4.4 (2021-04-08) :
- https://ffmpeg.org/
- https://ffmpeg.org/index.html#news
- https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/releases
FFmpeg 4.4 "Rao", a new major release, is now available! Some of the highlights:
Beaucoup de changements :
- FFmpeg 5.1.2 (2022-09-25)
- FFmpeg 4.4.3 (2022-10-09)
- FFmpeg 4.3.5 (2022-10-10)
- FFmpeg 4.2.8 (2022-10-11)
- FFmpeg 4.1.10 (2022-10-21)
- FFmpeg 3.4.12 (2022-10-27)
- FFmpeg 3.2.19 (2022-10-28)
- https://ffmpeg.org/
- https://ffmpeg.org/index.html#news
- https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/releases
July 22nd, 2022, FFmpeg 5.1 "Riemann"
FFmpeg 5.1 "Riemann", a new major release, is now available! Some of the highlights:
add ipfs/ipns protocol support
dialogue enhance audio filter
dropped obsolete XvMC hwaccel
pcm-bluray encoder
DFPWM audio encoder/decoder and raw muxer/demuxer
SITI filter
Vizrt Binary Image encoder/decoder
avsynctest source filter
feedback video filter
pixelize video filter
colormap video filter
colorchart video source filter
multiply video filter
PGS subtitle frame merge bitstream filter
blurdetect filter
tiltshelf audio filter
QOI image format support
ffprobe -o option
virtualbass audio filter
VDPAU AV1 hwaccel
PHM image format support
remap_opencl filter
added chromakey_cuda filter
We strongly recommend users, distributors, and system integrators to upgrade unless they use current git master.
January 17th, 2022, FFmpeg 5.0 "Lorentz"
FFmpeg 5.0 "Lorentz", a new major release, is now available! For this long-overdue release, a major effort underwent to remove the old encode/decode APIs and replace them with an N:M-based API, the entire libavresample library was removed, libswscale has a new, easier to use AVframe-based API, the Vulkan code was much improved, many new filters were added, including libplacebo integration, and finally, DoVi support was added, including tonemapping and remuxing. The default AAC encoder settings were also changed to improve quality. Some of the changelog highlights:
ADPCM IMA Westwood encoder
Westwood AUD muxer
ADPCM IMA Acorn Replay decoder
Argonaut Games CVG demuxer
Argonaut Games CVG muxer
Concatf protocol
afwtdn audio filter
audio and video segment filters
Apple Graphics (SMC) encoder
hsvkey and hsvhold video filters
adecorrelate audio filter
atilt audio filter
grayworld video filter
AV1 Low overhead bitstream format muxer
swscale slice threading
MSN Siren decoder
scharr video filter
apsyclip audio filter
morpho video filter
amr parser
(a)latency filters
GEM Raster image decoder
asdr audio filter
speex decoder
limitdiff video filter
xcorrelate video filter
varblur video filter
huesaturation video filter
colorspectrum source video filter
RTP packetizer for uncompressed video (RFC 4175)
bitpacked encoder
VideoToolbox VP9 hwaccel
VideoToolbox ProRes hwaccel
support loongarch.
aspectralstats audio filter
adynamicsmooth audio filter
libplacebo filter
vflip_vulkan, hflip_vulkan and flip_vulkan filters
adynamicequalizer audio filter
yadif_videotoolbox filter
VideoToolbox ProRes encoder
anlmf audio filter
We strongly recommend users, distributors, and system integrators to upgrade unless they use current git master.
- https://ffmpeg.org/
- https://ffmpeg.org/index.html#news
- https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/tags
- 7.1 2024-09-30
- 4.3.8 2024-08-06
- 5.1.6 2024-08-05
- 7.0.2 2024-08-03
- 6.1.2 2024-08-02
- 4.2.10 2024-08-01
- 4.4.5 2024-07-29