File Upload

This API allows you to upload files to the Freebox Server.

NOTE: for large transfer files, you should prefer FTP over HTTP transfer

WARNING the previous http upload method is now deprecated since api v4, you must now use the new WebSocket upload Api. If you can’t support WebSocket, you must use ftp for file transfer

File Upload Errors

When attempting to access the file upload API, you may encounter the following errors:

error_code Description
invalid_request Invalid request
path_not_found File or folder not found
access_denied Write permission denied in the destination folder
destination_conflict A file with same name already exists
invalid_id Invalid file upload id
cancelled Someone on a side channel as cancelled the upload

File Upload object

File uploads have the following attributes:

id int Read-only

upload id

size int Read-only

Upload file size in bytes

uploaded int Read-only

Uploaded bytes

status enum Read-only

upload status can have the following values

status Description
authorized Upload authorization is valid, upload has not started yet
in_progress Upload in progress
done Upload done
failed Upload failed
conflict Destination file conflict
timeout Upload authorization is no longer valid
cancelled Upload cancelled by user
start_date timestamp Read-only

upload start date

last_update timestamp Read-only

last update of file upload object

upload_name string Read-only

name of the file uploaded

dirname string Read-only

upload destination directory

WebSocket File Upload API

The file upload WebSocket path is /api/v4/ws/upload

With this new API, the need for creating a ‘file upload authorization’ has now been removed.

To be able to upload a file to the Freebox, you must open a WebSocket connection to the upload api, then for each file you want to upload you must :

  • send a FileUploadStartAction with the action ‘upload_start’

  • wait for the associated WebSocketResponse that indicates success, then start transferring the file content by chunks, each chunk being a binary WebSocket frame.

    For each chunk you send, you’ll get a WsUploadProgress response indicating that the associated chunk has been received and processed. Note that you should not wait for this response before sending the next data chunk in order to get good bandwidth performance.

  • once all chunks have been transferred, you should send a FileUploadFinalizeAction with the action ‘upload_finalize’ and wait for the associated WebSocketResponse indicating success

Note that if you have multiple files to send, you should reuse the same WebSocket connection, and repeat the upload steps again.

If for any reason the WebSocket is closed during upload, the partially sent file will be left as-is on the Freebox to allow resuming upload at a later point.

If you want to cancel an ongoing upload ou can send a FileUploadCancelAction. The partially uploaded file will then be deleted

File Upload Start Action

request_id int

optional request_id

action string

must be ‘upload_start’

size int

optional file size

dirname string

the destination directory (encoded value)

filename string

the destination filename

force enum

select the way conflicts are handled

Force mode Description
missing The response to the FileUploadStartAction will be an error with ‘destination_conflict’ if the destination file already exists. The response will also contain a file_size attribute containing the existing file length (useful for resuming upload)
overwrite If the target file already exists it will be overridden
resume The upload will resume, all sent chunks will then be appended to the existing file.

File Upload Finalize action

request_id int

optional request_id

action string

must be ‘upload_finalize’

File Upload Cancel action

request_id int

optional request_id

action string

must be ‘upload_cancel’

File Upload Chunk

File upload chunk are just Binary WebSocket frames containing raw file content.

File Upload Chunk Response

For each received chunk, the Freebox will send a chunk response containing upload progress information the request_id used in response will be the one from the FileUploadStartAction, and ‘action’ value will be ‘upload_data’

total_len int

target file current length

complete bool

will be true in a reply to FileUploadFinalizeAction or FileUploadCancelAction

cancelled bool

will be true in a reply FileUploadCancelAction

File Upload example

GET /api/v4/ws/upload

Start the WebSocket handshake:

Client ==> Freebox
GET ws:// HTTP/1.1
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: LhYCx4FBJE6pqrIL3tDC3g==
X-Fbx-App-Auth: 35JYdQSvkcBYK84IFMU7H86clfhS75OzwlQrKlQN1gBch\/Dd62RGzDpgC7YB9jB2

Handshake response:

Client <== Freebox
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: IqwCz8z8sON/eWQqkYKLu6iLkzo=

Start upload:

Client ==> Freebox
  "action": "upload_start",
  "request_id": 3615,
  "size": 8526224,
  "dirname": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvMF91cGxvYWRfdGVzdA==",
  "filename": "test_file.bin"

Start upload response:

Client <== Freebox
  "success": false,
  "action": "upload_start",
  "request_id": 3615,
  "msg": "Le fichier existe déjà",
  "file_size": 8526224,
  "error_code": "conflict"

Start upload with overwrite force mode:

Client ==> Freebox
  "action": "upload_start",
  "request_id": 6969,
  "size": 8526224,
  "dirname": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvMF91cGxvYWRfdGVzdA==",
  "filename": "test_file.bin",
  "force": "overwrite"

Start upload response:

Client <== Freebox
  "action": "upload_start",
  "success": true,
  "request_id": 6969

Send data chunk:

Client ==> Freebox

[ BINARY WEBSOCKET FRAME MESSAGE containing file offset: 0, length: 512k ]

[ BINARY WEBSOCKET FRAME MESSAGE containing file offset: 512k, length: 512k ]

[ BINARY WEBSOCKET FRAME MESSAGE containing file offset: 1024k, length: 512k ]

[ ... ]

Receive upload response:

Client <== Freebox
  "request_id": 6969
  "action": "upload_data",
  "success": true,
  "result": {
          "total_len": 524288,
          "complete": false

  "request_id": 6969,
  "action": "upload_data",
  "success": true,
  "result": {
          "total_len": 1048576,
          "complete": false

[ ... ]

This will be received for each sent data chunk

Send upload finalize:

Client ==> Freebox
  "action": "upload_finalize",

Receive upload finalize confirmation:

Client <== Freebox
  "request_id": 3615,
  "action": "upload_finalize",
  "success": true,
  "result": {
    "total_len": 8526224,
    "complete": true

At this point you can start uploading a new file by repeating the previous steps starting from Start upload step

Upload Progress tracking API

Get the list of uploads

GET /api/v4/upload/

Example request:

GET /api/v4/upload/ HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "id": 1678139709,
            "size": 54960,
            "uploaded": 54960,
            "status": "done",
            "last_update": 1361465608,
            "start_date": 1361465608,
            "upload_name": "playlist.m3u",
            "dirname": "/Disque 1"

Track an upload status

GET /api/v4/upload/{id}

With this API you can track the progress of your FileUpload task

Example request:

GET /api/v4/upload/1678139709 HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": 1678139709,
        "size": 54960,
        "uploaded": 54960,
        "status": "done",
        "last_update": 1361465608,
        "start_date": 1361465608,
        "upload_name": "playlist.m3u",
        "dirname": "/Disque 1"

Cancel an upload

DELETE /api/v4/upload/{id}/cancel

Cancel the given FileUpload closing the connection The upload status must be in_progress

Example request:

DELETE /api/v4/upload/136419941/cancel HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true

Delete an upload

DELETE /api/v4/upload/{id}

Delete the given FileUpload closing the connection if needed

Example request:

DELETE /api/v4/upload/136419941 HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true

Cleanup all terminated uploads

DELETE /api/v4/upload/clean

Deletes all the FileUpload not in_progress

Example request:

DELETE /api/v4/upload/clean HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true