PVR Errors

error_code Description
noent wrong id
inval invalid params
inval_date_fmt invalid date format
inval_end_before_start start time must be before end time
system_time_incorrect system time not available
record_duration_too_long record duration is too long
record_date_in_past record date is already passed
unknown_channel unknown channel
no_channel_svc no service for this channel
only_auto_disable can’t disable manual precord
cannot_change_en_state can’t change enabled state
cannot_disable_has_data can’t disable started record
internal_error internal error

PVR Config

PVR config has the following attributes:

margin_before int

default margin before recording start time

margin_after int

default margin after recording end time

PVR Config API

Get the current PVR configuration

GET /api/v4/pvr/config/

Returns the current PvrConfig

Example request:

GET /api/v4/pvr/config/ HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "margin_before": 10,
        "margin_after": 5

Update the current PVR configuration

PUT /api/v4/pvr/config/

Update the current PvrConfig

PVR Quota

PVR Quota has the following attributes:

quota_exceeded bool

is quota exceeded

needed_tresh int

needed quota threshold

cur_tresh int

current quota threshold


Getting the current quota info

GET /api/v4/pvr/quota/

Example request:

GET /api/v4/pvr/quota/ HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "quota_exceeded": true,
        "needed_tresh": 80,
        "cur_tresh": 40

Request next quota threshold

PUT /api/v4/pvr/quota/

Request next quota threshold. You don’t have to provide any arguments, the quota will be adjusted automatically if needed.

Example request:

PUT /api/v4/pvr/quota/ HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr
{ }

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "quota_exceeded": false,
        "needed_tresh": 80,
        "cur_tresh": 80

PVR Programmed records

Precords (Programmed records) are records that are planned. Precords can be manual, or generated using a PVR Generator (see below). Only manual Precords can be edited directly.


Precord has the following attributes:

id string Read-only

precord id

media string

media name on which the record will be written to. See the Media API for more info. This property and can be empty when the file backing the record is not available, for example when secure is set.

path string

destination directory on the media storage where the record will be written to

has_record_gen bool Read-only

if true, this precord has been generated using a Generator

record_gen_id int Read-only

if has_record_gen, this is the id of the generator

conflict bool Read-only

if true this record may conflict with another record

overlap_list[] array of int Read-only

in case of conflict, this will contain the list of records id that may conflict with this record

enabled bool

it only applies to generated records. If false the generated precord will be skipped.

altered bool Read-only

a precord is altered when some part of the recording may be missing. This can be the case if a conflict occurred during the recording (or connection was down)

state enum Read-only
State Description
disabled disabled
start_error failed to start
waiting_start_time scheduled
starting starting
running running
running_error running with error
failed failed
finished finished
error enum Read-only
channel_uuid string

channel uuid

channel_name string

optional channel name

channel_quality enum
channel_type enum
channel_type Description
‘’ (empty string) auto
iptv use only iptv streams
dvb use only dvb streams
name string

record name

subname string

record subname

broadcast_type enum
start int

record start timestamp

end int

record end timestamp

legacy_uri string

only used for legacy apps. Use channel_uuid instead when available NOTE: only visible when called from player

force_channel_name string

only used for legacy apps. Use channel_uuid instead when available NOTE: only visible when called from player

Precord API

Getting the list of precords

GET /api/v4/pvr/programmed/

Example request:

GET /api/v4/pvr/programmed/ HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "has_record_gen": true,
            "channel_name": "France 2",
            "overlap_list": [
            "end": 1403755697,
            "media": "Disque dur",
            "path": "Enregistrements",
            "record_gen_id": 10,
            "enabled": true,
            "id": 190,
            "start": 1403755628,
            "broadcast_type": "tv",
            "subname": "",
            "state": "waiting_start_time",
            "channel_type": "",
            "name": "Test Repeat",
            "channel_quality": "auto",
            "conflict": true,
            "channel_uuid": "uuid-webtv-201",
            "error": "none",
            "altered": false

        [ ... ]

            "has_record_gen": false,
            "channel_name": "France 2",
            "overlap_list": [ ],
            "end": 1403541511,
            "media": "NO NAME",
            "path": "Enregistrements",
            "record_gen_id": 0,
            "enabled": true,
            "id": 236,
            "start": 1403541361,
            "broadcast_type": "tv",
            "subname": "Sub Test",
            "state": "finished",
            "channel_type": "iptv",
            "name": "Test",
            "channel_quality": "auto",
            "conflict": false,
            "channel_uuid": "uuid-webtv-201",
            "error": "none",
            "altered": true

Getting a specific precord

GET /api/v4/pvr/programmed/{id}

Returns the requested Precord

Example request:

GET /api/v4/pvr/programmed/236 HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "has_record_gen": false,
        "channel_name": "France 2",
        "overlap_list": [ ],
        "end": 1403541511,
        "media": "NO NAME",
        "path": "Enregistrements",
        "record_gen_id": 0,
        "enabled": true,
        "id": 236,
        "start": 1403541361,
        "broadcast_type": "tv",
        "subname": "Sub Test",
        "state": "finished",
        "channel_type": "iptv",
        "name": "Test",
        "channel_quality": "auto",
        "conflict": false,
        "channel_uuid": "uuid-webtv-201",
        "error": "none",
        "altered": true

Updating a precord

PUT /api/v4/pvr/programmed/{id}

Update a Precord properties

Example request:

PUT /api/v4/pvr/programmed/236 HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr

  "name": "test 2"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "has_record_gen": false,
        "channel_name": "France 2",
        "overlap_list": [ ],
        "end": 1403541511,
        "media": "NO NAME",
        "path": "Enregistrements",
        "record_gen_id": 0,
        "enabled": true,
        "id": 236,
        "start": 1403541361,
        "broadcast_type": "tv",
        "subname": "Sub Test",
        "state": "finished",
        "channel_type": "iptv",
        "name": "test 2",
        "channel_quality": "auto",
        "conflict": false,
        "channel_uuid": "uuid-webtv-201",
        "error": "none",
        "altered": true

Delete a precord

DELETE /api/v4/pvr/programmed/{id}

Delete a Precord

Example request:

DELETE /api/v4/pvr/programmed/236 HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,

Create a precord

POST /api/v4/pvr/programmed/

Create a new Precord

** Example request**:

** Example response**:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": 63,
        "media": "Disque dur",
        "path": "Enregistrements",
        "channel_uuid": "uuid-webtv-374",
        "channel_name": "NT1",
        "channel_type": "",
        "channel_quality": "auto",
        "broadcast_type": "tv",
        "start": 1444240500,
        "end": 1444244100,
        "name": "Secret Story",
        "subname": "La soirée des habitants",
        "state": "starting",
        "error": "none",
        "enabled": true,
        "altered": false,
        "conflict": false,
        "overlap_list": [],
        "margin_before": 0,
        "margin_after": 0,
        "has_record_gen": false,
        "record_gen_id": 0

PVR Finished records

Frecords (Finished records) are records that are finished or in progress. An Frecord object is created automatically when a Precord start time is reached.


Frecord has the following attributes:

id string Read-only

frecord id

media string Read-only

media name on which the record is written. See the Media API for more info. This property and can be empty when the file backing the record is not available, for example when secure is set.

path string Read-only

destination directory on the media storage

filename string Read-only

filename of the record

byte_size int Read-only

size of the record file in bytes

has_record_gen bool Read-only

if true, this frecord has been generated using a Generator

record_gen_id int Read-only

if has_record_gen, this is the id of the generator

altered bool Read-only

an frecord is altered when some part of the recording may be missing. This can be the case if a conflict occurred during the recording (or connection was down)

state enum Read-only
State Description
disabled disabled
start_error failed to start
waiting_start_time scheduled
starting starting
running running
running_error running with error
failed failed
finished finished
error enum Read-only
channel_uuid string Read-only

channel uuid

channel_name string Read-only

optional channel name

channel_quality enum Read-only
channel_type enum Read-only
channel_type Description
‘’ (empty string) auto
iptv use only iptv streams
dvb use only dvb streams
name string

record name

subname string

record subname

broadcast_type enum Read-only
start int Read-only

record start timestamp

end int Read-only

record end timestamp

secure bool Read-only

flag set when the record is protected by DRM

Frecord API

Getting the list of frecords

GET /api/v4/pvr/finished/

Example request:

GET /api/v4/pvr/finished/ HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "id": 5,
            "media": "Disque dur",
            "path": "Enregistrements",
            "filename": "M6 - Fier de ma maison - 27-06-2013 16h35 01h15 (5).m2ts",
            "byte_size": 4433869440,
            "has_record_gen": false,
            "record_gen_id": 0,
            "broadcast_type": "tv",
            "channel_uuid": "uuid-webtv-613",
            "channel_name": "M6",
            "channel_type": "dvb",
            "channel_quality": "hd",
            "name": "Fier de ma maison",
            "subname": "",
            "start": 1372343700,
            "end": 1372348200,
            "state": "finished",
            "error": "none",
            "enabled": true,
            "altered": true,
            "secure": false

        [ ... ]

            "id": 22,
            "media": "",
            "path": "",
            "filename": "TF1 - Nos chers voisins - 17-09-2014 15h23 01h (22).m2ts",
            "byte_size": 2421095040,
            "has_record_gen": false,
            "record_gen_id": 0,
            "broadcast_type": "tv",
            "channel_uuid": "uuid-webtv-612",
            "channel_name": "TF1",
            "channel_type": "",
            "channel_quality": "auto",
            "name": "Nos chers voisins",
            "subname": "",
            "start": 1410960180,
            "end": 1410963780,
            "state": "finished",
            "error": "none",
            "enabled": true,
            "altered": true,
            "secure": true

Getting a specific frecord

GET /api/v4/pvr/finished/{id}

Returns the requested Frecord

Example request:

GET /api/v4/pvr/finished/236 HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": 236,
        "media": "NO NAME",
        "path": "",
        "filename": "France 3 - Tout le sport - 10-04-2015 20h00 10m (24).m2ts",
        "byte_size": 341752320,
        "has_record_gen": false,
        "record_gen_id": 0,
        "broadcast_type": "tv",
        "channel_uuid": "uuid-webtv-202",
        "channel_name": "France 3",
        "channel_type": "",
        "channel_quality": "auto",
        "name": "Tout le sport",
        "subname": "",
        "start": 1428688800,
        "end": 1428689400,
        "state": "finished",
        "error": "none",
        "enabled": true,
        "altered": true,
        "secure": false

Updating an frecord

PUT /api/v4/pvr/finished/{id}

Update a Frecord properties

Example request:

PUT /api/v4/pvr/finished/236 HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr

  "name": "Tout le sport",
  "subname": "On est les champions"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": 236,
        "media": "NO NAME",
        "path": "",
        "filename": "France 3 - Tout le sport - 10-04-2015 20h00 10m (24).m2ts",
        "byte_size": 341752320,
        "has_record_gen": false,
        "record_gen_id": 0,
        "broadcast_type": "tv",
        "channel_uuid": "uuid-webtv-202",
        "channel_name": "France 3",
        "channel_type": "",
        "channel_quality": "auto",
        "name": "Tout le sport",
        "subname": "On est les champions",
        "start": 1428688800,
        "end": 1428689400,
        "state": "finished",
        "error": "none",
        "enabled": true,
        "altered": true,
        "secure": false

Delete an frecord

DELETE /api/v4/pvr/finished/{id}

Delete a Frecord and associated files

Example request:

DELETE /api/v4/pvr/finished/236 HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,

Storage media

Media objects represent a storage on which records can be written to, typically a disk.


Media has the following attributes:

media string Read-only

name of the storage medium

free_bytes int Read-only

number of free bytes on the medium

total bytes int [ro]

total number of bytes on the medium

record_time int Read-only

estimated record time in seconds for multiple channel types and qualities

Media API

Getting the list of media

GET /api/v4/pvr/media/

Example request:

GET /api/v4/pvr/media/ HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "media": "Disque dur",
            "free_bytes": 39700000000,
            "total_bytes": 244950000000,
            "record_time": {
                "dvb":  { "sd": 48461, "hd": 35245, "3d": 35245 },
                "iptv":  { "ld": 155078, "sd": 110770, "hd": 51012, "3d": 51012 }

        [ ... ]

            "media":  "NO NAME",
            "free_bytes": 873930000,
            "total_bytes":  7790000000,
            "record_time":  {
                "dvb":  { "sd": 1066, "hd": 775, "3d": 775 },
                "iptv":  { "ld": 3413, "sd": 2438, "hd": 1122, "3d": 1122 }