Developper API Documentation¶
FreeboxOS Gateway APi allow access to Freebox Server settings and apps.
This API can be used to develop companion apps for Smartphone, or provide an alternative to FreeboxOS web app.
General Information¶
API Version¶
Api version will always use the following format : “major.minor” where major and minor are integers
Current API version is “4.0” Current major API version is: 4
When an API is marked as unstable, you can use it but it may change or disappear at any time!
When an API is not documented you should not use it!
Other API will be maintained for at least 1 Freebox release.
Api Changes¶
Freebox discovery¶
To discover a Freebox supporting this API you can either use mDNS, or make a HTTP request to to get API information.
Discovery using mDNS¶
This is the preferred method since it does not require to know the Freebox IP address.
The Freebox broadcasts the “_fbx-api._tcp” service
On iOS devices, you can use a NSNetServiceBrowser
On Android devices, you can use Network Service Discovery or JmDNS
On the TXT record you can obtain the following information:
Key | Description |
api_version | The current API version on the Freebox |
device_type | “FreeboxServer1,1” for the Freebox Server revision 1,1 |
api_base_url | The API root path on the HTTP server |
uid | The device unique id |
api_domain | The domain to use in place of hardcoded Freebox ip |
https_available | Tells if https has been configured on the Freebox |
https_port | Port to use for remote https access to the Freebox Api |
Discovery using HTTP¶
If you can, avoid this method because it requires to use a hardcoded address to retrieve API information.
If you make a HTTP get request on you can get the same API information as provided in mDNS.
Example request:
GET /api_version HTTP/1.1 Host: mafreebox.freebox.frExample response:
{ "uid": "23b86ec8091013d668829fe12791fdab", "device_name": "Freebox Server", "api_version": "4.0", "api_base_url": "/api/", "device_type": "FreeboxServer1,2" "api_domain": "", "https_available": true, "https_port": 3615 }
Building the API request URL¶
Once you’ve discovered a Freebox on the local network you can access the API at the following URL:
or for local access
API conventions¶
Most API uses the REST architecture, pay attention to the http methods used for each request.
The API response is always a JSON object using utf8 encoding.
¶ -
boolean Read-only¶ indicates if the request was successful
object Read-only¶ the result of the request.
(It may be omitted if the request does not expect any result)
string Read-only¶ In case of request error, this error_code provides information about the error.
The possible error_code values are documented for each API.
string Read-only¶ In cas of error, provides a French error message relative to the error
Successful response example
{ success: true, result: { logged_in: false, challenge: "WpsbHdkBpRpHLMGQHZ1ri1uUqa4ce6Dw" } }
Error response example
{ msg: "Requête invalide", success: false, error_code: "invalid_request" }
The HTTP response code can also be used to error reason, for instance if you attempt to access to an API with invalid credential you will get a 403 error, or if you attempt to call an API with an invalid path you will get a 404 error.
HTTPS Access¶
Each Freebox is now automatically assigned a random domain name (api_domain), and an associated TLS certificate to enable secure access to API.
This is enabled by default and all applications MUST now use HTTPS to access the api. Unsecure access will be removed at some point.
Certificates used for HTTPS access are emitted by either ‘Freebox ECC Root CA’ in case of ECDSA access, or ‘Freebox Root CA’ in case of RSA.
You must validate the certificate chain, by using the following Root CA certificates:
Freebox ECC Root CA
Freebox Root CA
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFmjCCA4KgAwIBAgIJAKLyz15lYOrYMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMFoxCzAJBgNV BAYTAkZSMQ8wDQYDVQQIDAZGcmFuY2UxDjAMBgNVBAcMBVBhcmlzMRAwDgYDVQQK DAdGcmVlYm94MRgwFgYDVQQDDA9GcmVlYm94IFJvb3QgQ0EwHhcNMTUwNzMwMTUw OTIwWhcNMzUwNzI1MTUwOTIwWjBaMQswCQYDVQQGEwJGUjEPMA0GA1UECAwGRnJh bmNlMQ4wDAYDVQQHDAVQYXJpczEQMA4GA1UECgwHRnJlZWJveDEYMBYGA1UEAwwP RnJlZWJveCBSb290IENBMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA xqYIvq8538SH6BJ99jDlOPoyDBrlwKEp879oYplicTC2/p0X66R/ft0en1uSQadC sL/JTyfgyJAgI1Dq2Y5EYVT/7G6GBtVH6Bxa713mM+I/v0JlTGFalgMqamMuIRDQ tdyvqEIs8DcfGB/1l2A8UhKOFbHQsMcigxOe9ZodMhtVNn0mUyG+9Zgu1e/YMhsS iG4Kqap6TGtk80yruS1mMWVSgLOq9F5BGD4rlNlWLo0C3R10mFCpqvsFU+g4kYoA dTxaIpi1pgng3CGLE0FXgwstJz8RBaZObYEslEYKDzmer5zrU1pVHiwkjsgwbnuy WtM1Xry3Jxc7N/i1rxFmN/4l/Tcb1F7x4yVZmrzbQVptKSmyTEvPvpzqzdxVWuYi qIFSe/njl8dX9v5hjbMo4CeLuXIRE4nSq2A7GBm4j9Zb6/l2WIBpnCKtwUVlroKw NBgB6zHg5WI9nWGuy3ozpP4zyxqXhaTgrQcDDIG/SQS1GOXKGdkCcSa+VkJ0jTf5 od7PxBn9/TuN0yYdgQK3YDjD9F9+CLp8QZK1bnPdVGywPfL1iztngF9J6JohTyL/ VMvpWfS/X6R4Y3p8/eSio4BNuPvm9r0xp6IMpW92V8SYL0N6TQQxzZYgkLV7TbQI Hw6v64yMbbF0YS9VjS0sFpZcFERVQiodRu7nYNC1jy8CAwEAAaNjMGEwHQYDVR0O BBYEFD2erMkECujilR0BuER09FdsYIebMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFD2erMkECujilR0B uER09FdsYIebMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGGMA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQAZ2Nx8mWIWckNY8X2t/ymmCbcKxGw8Hn3BfTDcUWQ7GLRf MGzTqxGSLBQ5tENaclbtTpNrqPv2k6LY0VjfrKoTSS8JfXkm6+FUtyXpsGK8MrLL hZ/YdADTfbbWOjjD0VaPUoglvo2N4n7rOuRxVYIij11fL/wl3OUZ7GHLgL3qXSz0 +RGW+1oZo8HQ7pb6RwLfv42Gf+2gyNBckM7VVh9R19UkLCsHFqhFBbUmqwJgNA2/ 3twgV6Y26qlyHXXODUfV3arLCwFoNB+IIrde1E/JoOry9oKvF8DZTo/Qm6o2KsdZ dxs/YcIUsCvKX8WCKtH6la/kFCUcXIb8f1u+Y4pjj3PBmKI/1+Rs9GqB0kt1otyx Q6bqxqBSgsrkuhCfRxwjbfBgmXjIZ/a4muY5uMI0gbl9zbMFEJHDojhH6TUB5qd0 JJlI61gldaT5Ci1aLbvVcJtdeGhElf7pOE9JrXINpP3NOJJaUSueAvxyj/WWoo0v 4KO7njox8F6jCHALNDLdTsX0FTGmUZ/s/QfJry3VNwyjCyWDy1ra4KWoqt6U7SzM d5jENIZChM8TnDXJzqc+mu00cI3icn9bV9flYCXLTIsprB21wVSMh0XeBGylKxeB S27oDfFq04XSox7JM9HdTt2hLK96x1T7FpFrBTnALzb7vHv9MhXqAT90fPR/8A== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Unless otherwise stated API access must be authenticated using the procedure described in the following document
WebSocket API¶
WebSocket allow bidirectional communication between your api client and the Freebox. This allow more interactivity without the need of frequently polling data from the Freebox.
For WebSocket access, you must use the same Authentication mechanism as for regular http api request. This means that you must include a proper X-Fbx-App-Auth header when you open the WebSocket connection.
Once the connection is established, most of messages sent via the WebSocket are text based (using utf-8 as per WebSocket specifications) and encoded as JSON objects.
The WebSocket frames maximum accepted size is 1 MB
WebSocket API conventions¶
As for HTTP api, the client can make requests to the Freebox (the available requests are specified per api).
The requests use the following format:
¶ -
int Optionnal¶ if you specifiy a request_id in your request, it will be added in the corresponding reply, so that you can correlate responses to the request
string¶ the request ‘action’
(available actions are described in each api)
Other fields, related to a specfic action, will be used as ‘action’ parameters
Responses to such requests will have the following format:
¶ -
int¶ if you set a request_id in your WebSocketRequest, the same request_id will be returned in the associated response
string¶ the action specified in the associated WebSocketRequest
boolean Read-only¶ indicates if the request was successful
object Read-only¶ the result of the request.
(It may be omitted if the request does not expect any result)
string Read-only¶ In case of request error, this error_code provides information about the error.
The possible error_code values are documented for each API.
string Read-only¶ In cas of error, provides a French error message relative to the error
When the Freebox wants to send a notification on WebSocket it will have the following format:
¶ -
string Read-only¶ The action will have the value ‘notification’
boolean Read-only¶ will be True
string Read-only¶ The name of the source of the notification
string Read-only¶ The name of event that generated the notification
object Read-only¶ the content of the notification (may be omitted if no data has to be transferred along with the notification)