VoD Account information


A Deferred.Deferred()

This call is specific to Canal+.

Retrieves IFC information from backend server. Deferred is resolved with an object containing a data blob that can only be decoded by Canal+ and a subscriber identifier.

In case of backend error, returned object only contains an error field with an error code.


import fbx.media.vod as Vod

Vod.AccountInfo.getIfc().then(function (rsp) {
    if (rsp.error) {
        console.log("getIfc returned error", rsp.error);

    console.log("Data blob", rsp.data);
    console.log("IFC", rsp.ifc);
}, function (error) {
    // Other deferred errors may happen here.
    // e.g., when WAN is unavailable, etc.

A Deferred.Deferred()

This call is specific to Canal+.

Retrieves subscriber information from backend server. Deferred is resolved with an object containing a data blob that can only be decoded by Canal+.

In case of backend error, returned object only contains an error field with an error code.


import fbx.media.vod as Vod

Vod.AccountInfo.getAboInfo().then(function (rsp) {
    if (rsp.error) {
        console.log("getAboInfo returned error", rsp.error);

    console.log("Data blob", rsp.data);
}, function (error) {
    // Other deferred errors may happen here.
    // e.g., when WAN is unavailable, etc.