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ID Projet Ouverte Type Catégorie État Résumé
37550Freebox Server (Ultra V9/ Pop V8/ Delta V7 / Revolution V6 / Mini 4K)01/01/2023AnomalieClient VPNNouveauVPN Cyberghost - Freebox v7 Description de la tâche


Je rencontre une difficulté pour paramétrer un VPN Cyberghost.

Le VPN se connecte et fonctionne correctement mais au bout d’une minute je suis systématiquement déconnecté.

Avez-vous une idée ?

Ci-joint, les logs:

2023-01-01 21:53:10 state is now UP
2023-01-01 21:53:10 state change ‘wait_l3_up’ ⇒ ‘l3_up’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 openvpn: output: 2023-01-01 21:54:10 [] Inactivity timeout (–ping-exit), exiting
2023-01-01 21:54:10 openvpn: output: 2023-01-01 21:54:10 Closing TUN/TAP interface
2023-01-01 21:54:10 openvpn: output: 2023-01-01 21:54:10 /usr/sbin/ip addr del dev tun0
2023-01-01 21:54:10 openvpn: output: 2023-01-01 21:54:10 WARNING: External program may not be called unless ‘–script-security 2’ or higher is enabled. See –help text or man page for detailed info.
2023-01-01 21:54:10 openvpn: output: 2023-01-01 21:54:10 Linux ip addr del failed: disallowed by script-security setting
2023-01-01 21:54:10 openvpn: output: 2023-01-01 21:54:10 SIGTERM[soft,ping-exit] received, process exiting
2023-01-01 21:54:10 openvpn: output: 2023-01-01 21:54:10 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1672606450,EXITING,ping-exit,,,,,
2023-01-01 21:54:10 openvpn: rx: >STATE:1672606450,EXITING,ping-exit,,,,,
2023-01-01 21:54:10 l3 provider reported dead
2023-01-01 21:54:10 l3 state change ‘l3_up’ ⇒ ‘l3_wait_zone_down’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 state change ‘l3_up’ ⇒ ‘wait_l3_down’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 l3 state change ‘l3_wait_zone_down’ ⇒ ‘l3_bring_down’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 waiting for l3 providers to go down
2023-01-01 21:54:10 l3 state change ‘l3_bring_down’ ⇒ ‘l3_wait_down’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 calling helper script at ‘/etc/fbxconnman/conn.down’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 l3 state change ‘l3_wait_down’ ⇒ ‘l3_wait_down_helper’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 helper script terminated with bad status 1
2023-01-01 21:54:10 l3 state change ‘l3_wait_down_helper’ ⇒ ‘l3_cleanup_start’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 calling helper script at ‘/etc/fbxconnman/’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 l3 state change ‘l3_cleanup_start’ ⇒ ‘l3_wait_postdown_helper’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 l3 state change ‘l3_wait_postdown_helper’ ⇒ ‘l3_cleanup_finish’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 l3 state change ‘l3_cleanup_finish’ ⇒ ‘l3_finished’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 l3 state change ‘l3_finished’ ⇒ ‘l3_down’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 state is now DOWN
2023-01-01 21:54:10 state change ‘wait_l3_down’ ⇒ ‘wait_l2_down’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 l2 state change ‘l2_up’ ⇒ ‘l2_cleanup’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 l2 state change ‘l2_cleanup’ ⇒ ‘l2_down’ 2023-01-01 21:54:10 state change ‘wait_l2_down’ ⇒ ‘down’

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

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