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ID Projet Ouverte  asc Type Catégorie État Résumé
20146Freebox Server (Ultra V9/ Pop V8/ Delta V7 / Revolution V6 / Mini 4K)20/04/2016AnomalieAPINouveauDownload file object filepath issue in subfolders Description de la tâche

As stated in the documentation, a download object should be returned with a filepath property corresponding to the base64 encoded full filepath.

This is currently broken since the API returns partials/incorrect paths, as you can see in the example responses documented:

/Disque dur/Téléchargements//

It seems this always occurs when the files are in sub-folders.
I reproduced the same issue on my side with a double folder nesting giving me a base64 path that look like this:

/Disque dur/Téléchargements///file.txt


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