- Status Nouveau
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Évolution
- Category Lecteur multimédia → AirMedia
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System Freebox Delta
- Severity High
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 1.0.3
- Due in Version Undecided
Due Date
- Votes 2
- Private
Attached to Project: Freebox Player Delta / One (V7)
Opened by Shade69 - 17/04/2019
Last edited by Thibaut Freebox - 20/05/2019
Opened by Shade69 - 17/04/2019
Last edited by Thibaut Freebox - 20/05/2019
FS#26880 - Evolution d'AirMedia avec la vraie licence AirPlay 2
GIVEN i’m an user of the Freebox Player Devialet
AND i’m using everyday AirPlay protocol with my iPhone
AND i’ve done many tests with AirMedia reverse engineering function
AND that it’s OK with mirroring/video display with macOS Mojave 10.14.4
AND that it’s NOK for video display but OK for mirroring on iOS 12.2
WHEN i’m using everyday AirPlay protocol with my compatible Apple products
THEN i want to help Freebox developers by stopping them to have to fix new glitch at every versions by integrating the real AirPlay 2 license
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Bonjour à toute l'équipe,
Est-ce que l'implémentation de la licence AirPlay 2 sera possible dans le futur ? :)
Merci pour votre retour,