- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Anomalie
- Category Freebox OS → API
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System Tous
- Severity Critical
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 2.1.0
- Due in Version Undecided
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
Attached to Project: Freebox Server (Ultra V9/ Pop V8/ Delta V7 / Revolution V6 / Mini 4K)
Opened by Djmomo - 05/03/2014
Last edited by nipo - 06/03/2014
Opened by Djmomo - 05/03/2014
Last edited by nipo - 06/03/2014
FS#14410 - login/authorize renvoie du code en clair dans le challenge
L’appel à api/v1/login/authorize/ avec n’importe quel {track_id}, via un navigateur (et non curl ou wget) affiche du code source Javascript dans la valeur du challenge.
{"success":true,"result":{"status":"unknown","challenge":["var _pwscuv = { _ppmi: '_wPdjak' }; _pwscuv._ppmi.charAt(eval(unescape('%4D%61%74%68%2E%72%6F%75%6E%64%28%32%2E%38%38%29%20%2B%20%30%20%2D%20%31')))","var _jrican = { _ggyidus: '_niwoc' }; _jrican._ggyidus.charAt(eval(unescape('%28%28%32%20%2A%20%34%32%20%2D%20%34%32%29%20%2F%20%32%31%29')))","var _ahdamxt = '_hfnbmyv';var _gpejdkt = new RegExp(_ahdamxt.charAt(eval(unescape('%32'))), 'g');String.fromCharCode(_ahdamxt.replace(_gpejdkt, '4').charCodeAt(eval(unescape('%32'))))","var _qkhkfn = '_arlp';var _ljcbkk = new RegExp(_qkhkfn.charAt(eval(unescape('%4D%61%74%68%2E%72%6F%75%6E%64%28%31%2E%37%31%29%20%2B%20%31%20%2D%20%31'))), 'g') [...] 5F%67%78%72%6B%76%68%2E%5F%6E%6D%6D%75%72%66%20%2B%20%33'))))","'c'"],"password_salt":"7wGp9AcEzRWYJaz4oI6hN8x6dg03MndU"}}
Closed by nipo
06.03.2014 14:12
Reason for closing: Sans objet
Additional comments about closing:
06.03.2014 14:12
Reason for closing: Sans objet
Additional comments about closing:
Ceci ne survient que depuis un
navigateur en mode interactif (un
xmlhttprequest aura une réponse comme
attendu) et n'est pas censé faire
partie de votre flot
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