With the rrd API you can retrieve stats collected on the Freebox. Right now the stats available are: network stats, switch stats, dsl stats, and temperature stats.

RRD Fetch Object

This is the object used to get stats

db enum

Name of the rrd database to read. It can take one of the following values

Db Description
net network stats
temp temperature stats
dsl xDSL stats
switch switch stats
date_start int Optionnal

The requested start timestamp of the stats to get

NOTE: this can be adjusted to fit the best available resolution

date_end int Optionnal

The requested end timestamp of the stats to get

NOTE: this can be adjusted to fit the best available resolution

precision int Optionnal

By default all values are cast to int, if you need floating point precision you can provide a precision factor that will be applied to all values before being returned.

For instance if you want 2 digit precision you should use a precision of 100, and divide the obtained results by 100.

fields[] array of string Optionnal

If you are only interested in getting some fields you can provide the list of fields you want to get.

For the net database the fields are:

Field Description
bw_up upload available bandwidth (in byte/s)
bw_down download available bandwidth (in byte/s)
rate_up upload rate (in byte/s)
rate_down download rate (in byte/s)
vpn_rate_up vpn client upload rate (in byte/s)
vpn_rate_down vpn client download rate (in byte/s)

For the temp database the fields are:

Field Description
cpum temperature cpum (in °C)
cpub temperature cpub (in °C)
sw temperature sw (in °C)
hdd temperature hdd (in °C)
fan_speed fan rpm
temp1 temperature sensor 1 (in °C) [DEPRECATED, use cpum]
temp2 temperature sensor 2 (in °C) [DEPRECATED, use cpub]
temp3 temperature sensor 3 (in °C) [DEPRECATED, use sw]

For the dsl database the fields are:

Field Description
rate_up dsl available upload bandwidth (in byte/s)
rate_down dsl available download bandwidth (in byte/s)
snr_up dsl upload signal/noise ratio (in 1/10 dB)
snr_down dsl download signal/noise ratio (in 1/10 dB)

For the switch database the fields are:

Field Description
rx_1 receive rate on port 1 (in byte/s)
tx_1 transmit on port 1 (in byte/s)
rx_2 receive rate on port 2 (in byte/s)
tx_2 transmit on port 2 (in byte/s)
rx_3 receive rate on port 3 (in byte/s)
tx_3 transmit on port 3 (in byte/s)
rx_4 receive rate on port 4 (in byte/s)
tx_4 transmit on port 4 (in byte/s)

Get RRD stats [UNSTABLE]

POST /api/v4/rrd/

Example request:

POST /api/v4/rrd/ HTTP/1.1
Host: mafreebox.freebox.fr

   "db": "temp",
   "fields": [ "temp1" ],
   "precision": 10

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "date_start": 1353048060,
        "data": [
                "temp1": 540,
                "time": 1353060840
                "temp1": 545,
                "time": 1353060900

            [ ... ],

                "temp1": 540,
                "time": 1353069600
        "date_end": 1353069660
GET /api/v4/rrd/

Same as post request, but allowed without ‘settings’ permission