File System

With the file system API you can access files on Freebox internal disk and disks connected to the Freebox.

Path encoding


For maximum compatibility issues path are encoded in base64, you should use the path as it is returned by the ls API call.

For instance this will solve problems with unicode equivalence .

Although “Spécial” (0x53 0x70 0xc3 0xa9 0x63 0x69 0x61 0x6c) and “Spécial” (0x53 0x70 0x65 0xcc 0x81 0x63 0x69 0x61 0x6c) are utf8 equivalent, it is represents two different path.

Some software/libraries will replace the original string with its normalized form, causing issues. The use of base64 encoded path will ensure the original path will be preserved.

File System Errors

When attempting to access the file system API, you may encounter the following errors:

error_code Description
invalid_id Invalid object id
path_not_found File or folder not found
internal_error Internal error
disk_unavailable The disk is not mounted
invalid_request Invalid request
invalid_conflict_mode The conflict mode specified is invalid (see below)
exec_failed Internal error
out_of_memory Out of memory
task_not_found Invalid task id
invalid_state You tried to set an invalid state
invalid_task_type This operation cannot be performed on this task
destination_conflict The destination file/folder already exists
access_denied Access to this file is denied
disk_full The destination disk is full


File system tasks have the following attributes:

id int Read-only


type enum Read-only

The valid task types are:

Type Description
cat Concatenate multiple files
cp Copy files
mv Move files
rm Remove files
archive Creates an archive
extract Extract an archive
repair Check and repair files
state enum
State Description
queued Queued (only one task is active at a given time)
running Running
paused Paused (user suspended)
done Done
failed Failed (see error)
error enum Read-only
Error Description
none No error
archive_read_failed Error reading archive
archive_open_failed Error opening archive
archive_write_failed Error writing archive
chdir_failed Error changing directory
dest_is_not_dir The destination is not a directory
file_exists File already exists
file_not_found File not found
mkdir_failed Unable to create directory
open_input_failed Error opening input file
open_output_failed Error opening output file
opendir_failed Error opening directory
overwrite_failed Error overwriting file
path_too_big Path is too long
repair_failed Failed to repair corrupted files
rmdir_failed Error removing directory
same_file Source and Destination are the same file
unlink_failed Error removing file
unsupported_file_type This file type is not supported
write_failed Error writing file
disk_full Disk is full
internal Internal error
invalid_format Invalid file format (corrupted ?)
incorrect_password Invalid or missing password for extraction
permission_denied Permission denied
readlink_failed Failed to read the target of a symbolic link
symlink_failed Failed to create a symbolic link
created_ts timestamp Read-only

task creation timestamp

started_ts timestamp Read-only

task start timestamp

done_ts timestamp Read-only

task end timestamp

duration int Read-only

task duration in seconds

progress int Read-only

task progress in percent (scaled by 100)

eta int Read-only

estimated time remaining before the task completion (in seconds)

from string Read-only

current source file (if available)

to string Read-only

current destination file (if available)

nfiles int Read-only

number of files to process

nfiles_done int Read-only

number of files processed

total_bytes int Read-only

total bytes to process

total_bytes_done int Read-only

number of bytes processed

curr_bytes int Read-only

size of the file currently processed

curr_bytes_done int Read-only

number of bytes processed for the current file

rate int Read-only

processing rate in byte/s

List every tasks

GET /api/v4/fs/tasks/

Returns the collection of all FsTask tasks

Example request:

GET /api/v4/fs/tasks/ HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
   success: true,
   result: [
         curr_bytes_done: 0,
         total_bytes: 0,
         nfiles_done: 0,
         started_ts: 1355834253,
         duration: 3,
         done_ts: 0,
         curr_bytes: 0,
         type: "extract",
         to: "oxygennosvg/128x128/mimetypes/application_x_nzb.png",
         id: 12,
         nfiles: 0,
         created_ts: 1355834253,
         state: "paused",
         total_bytes_done: 0,
         from: "/Disque dur/tests/oxygennosvg.tar.gz",
         rate: 0,
         eta: 0,
         error: "none",
         progress: 0
         id: 11,
         curr_bytes_done: 0,
         total_bytes: 0,
         nfiles_done: 0,
         started_ts: 1355834187,
         duration: 0,
         done_ts: 1355834187,
         curr_bytes: 0,
         type: "rm",
         to: "",
         nfiles: 0,
         created_ts: 1355834187,
         state: "done",
         total_bytes_done: 0,
         from: "/Disque dur/test/testiso.1.iso",
         rate: 0,
         eta: 0,
         error: "none",
         progress: 100

List a task

GET /api/v4/fs/tasks/{id}

Returns the FsTask task with the given id

Example request:

GET /api/v4/fs/tasks/12 HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
   success: true,
   result: {
      curr_bytes_done: 0,
      total_bytes: 0,
      nfiles_done: 0,
      started_ts: 1355834253,
      duration: 268,
      done_ts: 0,
      curr_bytes: 0,
      type: "extract",
      to: "oxygennosvg/16x16/actions/format_stroke_color.png",
      id: 12,
      nfiles: 0,
      created_ts: 1355834253,
      state: "running",
      total_bytes_done: 0,
      from: "/Disque dur/tests/oxygennosvg.tar.gz",
      rate: 0,
      eta: 0,
      error: "none",
      progress: 0

Delete a task

DELETE /api/v4/fs/tasks/{id}

Deletes the FsTask task with the given id, if the task was running, stop it.

No rollback is done, if a file as already been processed it will be left as is.

Example request:

DELETE /api/v4/fs/tasks/12 HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true

Update a task

PUT /api/v4/fs/tasks/{id}

Updates the FsTask task with the given id

Example request:

PUT /api/v4/fs/tasks/15 HTTP/1.1
   "state": "paused"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "curr_bytes_done": 0,
        "total_bytes": 2410125312,
        "nfiles_done": 0,
        "started_ts": 1355835094,
        "duration": 27,
        "done_ts": 0,
        "curr_bytes": 0,
        "type": "cp",
        "to": "/Disque dur/old_hdd/testiso.1.iso",
        "id": 15,
        "nfiles": 1,
        "created_ts": 1355835094,
        "state": "paused",
        "total_bytes_done": 595591168,
        "from": "/Disque dur/old_hdd/testiso.iso",
        "rate": 0,
        "eta": 85,
        "error": "none",
        "progress": 24


File info

path string Read-only

file path (encoded in base64 as explained in Path Encoding)

name string Read-only

file name (in clear text)

mimetype string Read-only

file mimetype

type enum
Type Description
dir Directory
file Regular file
size int Read-only

file size in bytes

modification int Read-only

file modification timestamp

index int Read-only

display order for natural sort

is this file a link

target string Read-only

symlink target path (encoded in base64 as explained in Path Encoding) (only present when link is set to true)

hidden boolean Read-only

should the file be hidden to user

foldercount int Read-only

number of subfolders

only relevant for dir, only provided if “countSubFolder” parameter is set

filecount int Read-only

number of files inside directory

only relevant for dir, only provided if “countSubFolder” parameter is set

List files

GET /api/v4/fs/ls/{path}

Returns the list of FileInfos for the given path

  • onlyFolder (bool) – Only list folders
  • countSubFolder (bool) – Return files and subfolder count for folders
  • removeHidden (bool) – Don’t return hidden files in directory listing

Example request:

GET /api/v4/fs/ls/L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXI= HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "path": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvRW5yZWdpc3RyZW1lbnRz",
            "filecount": 0,
            "link": false,
            "modification": 1362005535,
            "foldercount": 0,
            "name": "Enregistrements",
            "index": 1,
            "mimetype": "inode/directory",
            "hidden": false,
            "type": "dir",
            "size": 4096

        /* Note: for the two following folders path are different, but name is utf8 equivalent */

            "path": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvTGUgU3DDqWNpYWwgMg==",
            "filecount": 0,
            "link": false,
            "modification": 1362492511,
            "foldercount": 0,
            "name": "Le Spécial 2",
            "index": 3,
            "mimetype": "inode/directory",
            "hidden": false,
            "type": "dir",
            "size": 4096
            "path": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvTGUgU3BlzIFjaWFsIDI=",
            "filecount": 4,
            "link": false,
            "modification": 1361995307,
            "foldercount": 1,
            "name": "Le Spécial 2",
            "index": 4,
            "mimetype": "inode/directory",
            "hidden": false,
            "type": "dir",
            "size": 4096

         [ ... ]

            "path": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvVmlkw6lvcw==",
            "filecount": 8,
            "link": false,
            "modification": 1361887598,
            "foldercount": 2,
            "name": "Vidéos",
            "index": 16,
            "mimetype": "inode/directory",
            "hidden": false,
            "type": "dir",
            "size": 4096


Get file information

GET /api/v4/fs/info/{path}

Returns the FileInfos for the given path

Example request:

GET /api/v4/fs/info/L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvdG90bw== HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "type": "dir",
        "link": true,
        "parent": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXI=",
        "modification": 1370354349,
        "hidden": false,
        "mimetype": "inode/directory",
        "name": "toto",
        "target": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9z",
        "path": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvdG90bw==",
        "size": 4096


Each time you want to perform a modification on the file system you will have to create a new FsTask that you will be able to monitor.

NOTE: The requested operation may be en-queued to avoid performance drop because of excessive disk io

Conflict resolution

For certain file operations where a file name conflict can happen, you must specify a conflict resolution mode.

Valid resolution modes are:

Conflict mode Description
overwrite Overwrite the destination file
both Keep both files (rename the file adding a suffix)
recent Only overwrite if newer than destination file
skip Keep the destination file

Move files

POST /api/v4/fs/mv/
  • files (string[]) – The list of files to move
  • dst (string) – The destination
  • mode (enum) – The conflict resolution mode

Example request for moving files:

POST /api/v4/fs/mv/ HTTP/1.1
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL0RTQ18zNDkxLmpwZw==", /* /Disque dur/Photos/DSC_3491.jpg */
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL0RTQ18zNTAwLmpwZw==" /* /Disque dur/Photos/DSC_3500.jpg */
    "dst": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL0xhdW5jaHBhZA==", /* /Disque dur/Photos/Launchpad */
    "mode": "overwrite"

Example response:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "curr_bytes_done": 0,
        "total_bytes": 0,
        "nfiles_done": 0,
        "started_ts": 1355840585,
        "duration": 0,
        "done_ts": 0,
        "curr_bytes": 0,
        "type": "mv",
        "to": "",
        "id": 39,
        "nfiles": 0,
        "created_ts": 1355840585,
        "state": "running",
        "total_bytes_done": 0,
        "from": "",
        "rate": 0,
        "eta": 0,
        "error": "none",
        "progress": 0

Copy files

POST /api/v4/fs/cp/
  • files (string[]) – The list of files to copy
  • dst (string) – The destination
  • mode (enum) – The conflict resolution mode

Example request:

POST /api/v4/fs/cp/ HTTP/1.1
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL0xhdW5jaHBhZC9EU0NfMzQ5MS5qcGcK", /* /Disque dur/Photos/Launchpad/DSC_3491.jpg */
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL0xhdW5jaHBhZC9EU0NfMzUwMC5qcGcK", /* /Disque dur/Photos/Launchpad/DSC_3500.jpg */
    "dst": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL1JvY2tldHMK", /* /Disque dur/Photos/Rockets */
    "mode": "both"

Example response:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "curr_bytes_done": 0,
        "total_bytes": 0,
        "nfiles_done": 0,
        "started_ts": 1355840943,
        "duration": 0,
        "done_ts": 0,
        "curr_bytes": 0,
        "type": "cp",
        "to": "",
        "id": 43,
        "nfiles": 0,
        "created_ts": 1355840943,
        "state": "running",
        "total_bytes_done": 0,
        "from": "",
        "rate": 0,
        "eta": 0,
        "error": "none",
        "progress": 0

Remove files

POST /api/v4/fs/rm/
  • files (string[]) – The list of files to remove

Example request:

POST /api/v4/fs/rm/ HTTP/1.1
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL1JvY2tldHMvRFNDXzM0OTEuanBnCg==", /* /Disque dur/Photos/Rockets/DSC_3491.jpg */
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL1JvY2tldHMvRFNDXzM1MDAuanBnCg==" /* /Disque dur/Photos/Rockets/DSC_3500.jpg */

Example response:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "curr_bytes_done": 0,
        "total_bytes": 0,
        "nfiles_done": 0,
        "started_ts": 1355841064,
        "duration": 0,
        "done_ts": 0,
        "curr_bytes": 0,
        "type": "rm",
        "to": "",
        "id": 45,
        "nfiles": 0,
        "created_ts": 1355841064,
        "state": "running",
        "total_bytes_done": 0,
        "from": "/Disque dur/Photos/Rockets/DSC_3491.jpg",
        "rate": 0,
        "eta": 0,
        "error": "none",
        "progress": 0

Cat files

POST /api/v4/fs/cat/
  • files (string[]) – The list of files to concatenate
  • dst (string) – The destination
  • multi_volumes (bool) – Enable multi-volumes mode, it will start at XXX001 and concatenate XXX002, XXX003, ...
  • delete_files (bool) – Deletes source files
  • overwrite (bool) – Overwrites the destination
  • append (bool) – Append to the destination

Example request:

POST /api/v4/fs/cat/ HTTP/1.1
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvZmlsZTE=", /* /Disque dur/file1 */
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvZmlsZTI="  /* /Disque dur/file2 */
    "dst": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvZmlsZTEy", /* /Disque dur/file12 */
    "multi_volumes": false,
    "delete_files": false,
    "append": true,
    "overwrite": false

Or if you want to do a multi-volumes concatenation:

         // You don't need to specify file002, file003, ...
         // They'll be found by cat.
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvZmlsZTAwMQ==", /* /Disque dur/file001 */
    "dst": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvZmlsZQ==", /* /Disque dur/file */
    "multi_volumes": true,
    "delete_files": true,
    "append": false,
    "overwrite": true

Example response:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "curr_bytes_done": 0,
        "total_bytes": 0,
        "nfiles_done": 0,
        "started_ts": 1355840943,
        "duration": 0,
        "done_ts": 0,
        "curr_bytes": 0,
        "type": "cat",
        "to": "",
        "id": 43,
        "nfiles": 0,
        "created_ts": 1355840943,
        "state": "running",
        "total_bytes_done": 0,
        "from": "",
        "rate": 0,
        "eta": 0,
        "error": "none",
        "progress": 0

Create an archive

POST /api/v4/fs/archive/
  • files (string[]) – The list of files to archive
  • dst (string) – The destination

Example request:

POST /api/v4/fs/archive/ HTTP/1.1
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL0xhdW5jaHBhZC9EU0NfMzQ5MS5qcGc=", /* /Disque dur/Photos/Launchpad/DSC_3491.jpg */
         "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL0xhdW5jaHBhZC9EU0NfMzUwMC5qcGc="  /* /Disque dur/Photos/Launchpad/DSC_3500.jpg */
    "dst": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL3JvY2tldHMuemlw" /* /Disque dur/Photos/ */

Example response:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "curr_bytes_done": 0,
        "total_bytes": 0,
        "nfiles_done": 0,
        "started_ts": 1355840943,
        "duration": 0,
        "done_ts": 0,
        "curr_bytes": 0,
        "type": "archive",
        "to": "",
        "id": 42,
        "nfiles": 0,
        "created_ts": 1355840943,
        "state": "running",
        "total_bytes_done": 0,
        "from": "",
        "rate": 0,
        "eta": 0,
        "error": "none",
        "progress": 0

Extract a file

POST /api/v4/fs/extract/
  • src (string) – The archive file
  • dst (string) – The destination folder
  • password (string) – The archive password
  • delete_archive (boolean) – Delete archive after extraction
  • overwrite (boolean) – Overwrite files on conflict

Example request:

POST /api/v4/fs/extract/ HTTP/1.1
   "src": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvb2xkX2hkZC90ZXN0aXNvLjEuaXNv", /* /Disque dur/old_hdd/testiso.1.iso */
   "dst": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvb2xkX2hkZA==" /* /Disque dur/old_hdd */
   "password": "",
   "delete_archive": false,
   "overwrite": true

Example response:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "curr_bytes_done": 0,
        "total_bytes": 0,
        "nfiles_done": 0,
        "started_ts": 1355842252,
        "duration": 0,
        "done_ts": 0,
        "curr_bytes": 0,
        "type": "extract",
        "to": "/Disque dur/old_hdd",
        "id": 48,
        "nfiles": 0,
        "created_ts": 1355842252,
        "state": "running",
        "total_bytes_done": 0,
        "from": "/Disque dur/old_hdd/testiso.1.iso",
        "rate": 0,
        "eta": 0,
        "error": "none",
        "progress": 0

Repair a file

POST /api/v4/fs/repair/
  • src (string) – The .par2 file
  • delete_archive (boolean) – Delete par2 files after repair

Example request:

POST /api/v4/fs/repair/ HTTP/1.1
   "src": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvdGVzdHMvcGFyMi9saWNlbnNlLnR4dC5wYXIy", /* /Disque dur/tests/par2/license.txt.par2 */
   "delete_archive": false

Example response:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "curr_bytes_done": 0,
        "total_bytes": 0,
        "nfiles_done": 0,
        "started_ts": 1355842559,
        "duration": 0,
        "done_ts": 0,
        "curr_bytes": 0,
        "type": "repair",
        "to": "",
        "id": 50,
        "nfiles": 0,
        "created_ts": 1355842559,
        "state": "running",
        "total_bytes_done": 0,
        "from": "",
        "rate": 0,
        "eta": 0,
        "error": "none",
        "progress": 0

Hash a file

POST /api/v4/fs/hash/
  • src (string) – The file to hash
  • hash_type (string) – The type of hash (md5, sha1, ...)

Example request:

POST /api/v4/fs/hash/ HTTP/1.1
   "src": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvbXlfZmlsZQ==", /* /Disque dur/my_file */
   "hash_type": "md5"

Example response:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "curr_bytes_done": 0,
        "total_bytes": 4242,
        "nfiles_done": 0,
        "started_ts": 1355842559,
        "duration": 0,
        "done_ts": 0,
        "curr_bytes": 4242,
        "type": "hash",
        "to": "",
        "id": 50,
        "nfiles": 1,
        "created_ts": 1355842559,
        "state": "running",
        "total_bytes_done": 0,
        "from": "/Disque dur/my_file",
        "rate": 0,
        "eta": 0,
        "error": "none",
        "progress": 0

Get the hash value

To get the hash, the task must have succeed and be in the state “done”.

GET /api/v4/fs/tasks/{id}/hash

Example request:

GET /api/v4/fs/tasks/50/hash HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "hash": "94baaad4d1347ec6e15ae35c88ee8bc8"

Create a directory

Contrary to other file system tasks, this operation is done synchronously.

Instead of a returning a FsTask a call to this API will only return success status

POST /api/v4/fs/mkdir/
  • parent (string) – The parent directory path (base64 encoded)
  • dirname (string) – The name of the directory to create

Example request:

POST /api/v4/fs/mkdir/ HTTP/1.1
   "parent": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXI=", /* /Disque dur */
   "dirname": "Test"

Example response:

    "success": true

Rename a file/folder

Contrary to other file system tasks, this operation is done synchronously.

Instead of a returning a FsTask a call to this API will only return success status and the new path as a result

POST /api/v4/fs/rename/
  • src (string) – The source file path (base64 encoded)
  • dst (string) – The new name of the file (clear text, without path)

Example request:

POST /api/v4/fs/rename/ HTTP/1.1
   "src": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvdGVzdC50eHQ=", /* /Disque dur/test.txt */
   "dst": "plop.txt"

Example response:

    "success": true,
    "result": "L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvcGxvcC50eHQ=" /* /Disque dur/plop.txt */

Download a file

GET /api/v4/dl/{path}

Example request:

GET /api/v4/dl/L0Rpc3F1ZSBkdXIvUGhvdG9zL1BsYW5zIHNlY3JldHMuanBn HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: 600864
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Plans secrets.jpg"

[ ... ]