
component fbx.ui.control.Combo

A combo is a control where the user may choose one value withing a set of predefined values.


A Combo without active focus. Only the current choice is shown.

Combo {
    items: ListModel {
        ListElement { label: "HDMI"; value: "AudioOutportHdmi" }
        ListElement { label: "SPDIF"; value: "AudioOutportSpdif" }
        ListElement { label: "Analogique"; value: "AudioOutportAnalog" }

    onSelected: console.log("Selected index", index, "value", value);
signal selected(index, value)
  • index (int) – Selected index in items.

  • value (int) – Value corresponding selected entry in items.

Raised when user selects an entry in the Combo.

property value

A variant corresponding to the currently selected entry in the list.

property items

Reference to a ListModel of items containing “label” and “value” keys.

property surroundingElementCount

Count of elements visible around currently selected item. This makes (2 * surroundingElementCount + 1) total items visible.


A Combo with active focus and surroundingElementCount = 2. Current choice is highlighted. When all possible choices are shown, editing = true.

property editing

Whether user is currently editing the widget. This may change to false without the value actually changing, if user cancels its input.

property enabled

Whether the widget accepts user interaction.

property displayText

Text to display if the widget has to be replaced with a simple text.